Thursday, October 15, 2009

Theresa of Avila and Blog Action Day

Today in the Church we remember St. Theresa of Avila, the great 16th century Spanish mystic, reformer, and founder of the Discalced Carmelites. It is also "Blog Action Day," when 7000 of us bloggers around the world are drawing attention to issues of climate change. How, you may wonder, might these two issues be connected? A very good question...

Theresa was not the most likely mystic, entering the convent because of the comfortable life it would afford her. Religious life at that time was rather lax and indulgent. But almost against her will, Theresa began to experience rather intense visions and physical sensations in her prayer-- experiences of God prompting her to simplify and purify her life and eventually to reform the Carmelite order through the embrace of an austere and deeply contemplative way of life. Eventually, John of the Cross, another 16th Century Spanish mystic follows in her footsteps.

While there is tremendous debate about climate change-- it is hard to argue with the idea that excessive materialism and over-consumption do have a destructive effect on both the planet and on our quality of life. When we take a step back and pay attention to our experience, it is the simple things of life that are most satisfying: time with people we love, the pleasure of nature, the experience of beauty, expressing ourselves creatively, putting ourselves in the service of causes and commitments bigger than ourselves. Perhaps Theresa's inspiration to reform her life and the life of her order through the embrace of greater simplicity could lead us to greater happiness, and support the well-being of the planet?

If you are interested in some of the major efforts regarding climate change or the debates going on, consider checking the out the U.N. site for the climate change conference coming up:

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