Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Getting Going Again...

Well it's nice to be back, if only briefly! This past week, I was in Boulder Colorado giving a retreat with three friends, Fr. Richard Rohr OFM, Sr. Terri Monroe RSCJ, and Rollie Stanich from Integral Spirituality-- the title of our retreat was "New Wineskins: A Contemporary Pilgrimage Toward the Future of Christianity." What, you may be wondering, are we talking about?

Our intention was to bring together the concepts and principles of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory, the insights and practices of contemplative Christianity, and notions of the emerging church. Richard Rohr is  well known voice for a progressive Catholicism, rooted deeply in the Scriptures and inspired by the vision of Vatican II. His focus on the retreat was the importance of a non-dual way of seeing and making meaning of the world-- a way of knowing that grows out of contemplative experiences of prayer and self-transcending ways of living. My contribution was in introducing and guiding people in the practice of methods of Ignatian prayer, and in a form of spiritual exercise that is known as "shadow work," wherein we identify and re-integrate aspects of ourselves that have been split off over time.

Of course, all of these aspects of the retreat would take a long time to explain... longer than I have today. But I wanted to at least drop a line and get back into the habit of writing on a daily basis.

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