The singular pronoun is so much more mellifluous. It's a conundrum. If the the Vatican's survey (See "Inquisition") of America's women religious plus Murphy's Law were not on my mind, I probably would not have commented. Hope all is well, and thanks for the blog; it is a wonderful gift.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam is a Latin expression meaning "for the greater glory of God." St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, used it often to remind himself that all things are from God and for God. He knew that the deepest and truest joy was to live in harmony with God's ways, and so he dedicated his every intention, effort, and action to giving God praise, reverence, and service.
I am a Jesuit priest working in the field of adult development, focusing on issues of leadership and spiritual maturation. Currently, I am serving as assistant to the president of Le Moyne College for Strategic Development and Leadership. The views expressed in this blog are my own. For the official position of the New York Province of the Society of Jesus or of the Catholic Church, please go to the appropriate source.
The singular pronoun is so much more mellifluous. It's a conundrum.
ReplyDeleteIf the the Vatican's survey (See "Inquisition") of America's women religious plus Murphy's Law were not on my mind, I probably would not have commented. Hope all is well, and thanks for the blog; it is a wonderful gift.